It Could Be The New Normal (Transcript)

(Full Show Audio)

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And welcome to another edition of the survivalist podcast. So folks a lot of

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things going on a lot of things have changed as we talked not too long ago

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but just want to go ahead and give everybody kind of an update of what’s

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going on. As you know folks you want to support the show support the work I’m

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doing. Again go to survivalist I’m sorry survival info org and I’ll go ahead and

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click on the Amazon link also check on my gear site there’s Amazon links to all

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different stuff I’ve tried I’ve used stuff like that all different kind of

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stuff just if you guys can do it just to help pay for the little things like you

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know the hosting and the website stuff like that I’m not making a fortune here

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trust me I just would like to kind of cover expenses. Also too somebody asked

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me the other day if I could add like a PayPal button or leave me a tip or

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something like that I do have I’m working on that that might be something

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I might do as well but I might add that but that’s again something else not

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really that important but like I said is where you can help and go

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support the site. So a lot of things going on in the world since we talked a

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few months ago obviously been had some time off recently my wife and I actually

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have been we bought a cabin up in the woods and we’ve been traveling there on

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the weekends and stuff like that and going there very secluded very just just

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very nice that’s on quite a bit of land taking Opie up there to to train him and

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stuff like that we’ve been having just a really good time taking the kids up

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there going fishing and all that and fishing season actually opens up here

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recreation opens up here in Pennsylvania this coming this coming week this Friday

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coming up on Friday actually the first couple days from now but tomorrow and

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you know it’s it’s interesting recreation is opening at least this way

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this weekend I want to go fishing and Opie’s coming home as well he’s been

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out at training for the last four almost four weeks yeah five weeks you know

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learning his skills and training and all that and now looking forward to getting

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him back going out rabbit hunting eventually and going out as well going

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out bird hunting and all things you hunting stuff you can do over the summer

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but actually just really looking forward to you know getting him getting him out

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even even just to go fishing this weekend he’s been gone a while so

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looking forward to that also to folks I want to talk about something else when

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it comes to we’ve had a kind of change the way we we’ve done things with him

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we’ve had ran to a little issue with him with retrieving and and other things and

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I actually went with a I actually ordered this I’m gonna put their number

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in the I’ll put their number in the show notes ordered a collar from a company

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called as a dog truck and it’s a 200 C it’s got a half I have I have the 200 C

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which is a half a mile range I don’t let him go further than like a half a mile

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away half a mile range and it’s a hunting collar it also has the GPS in it

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and stuff like that so I can keep an eye on him when we’re hunting but like I

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said half a mile range you know it’s got it’s for it’s for his for his case it’s

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for dogs at 10 pounds or up they do have ones for smaller dogs but like I said

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it’s waterproof you know it’s you can run up to two dogs with it I’m actually

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gonna be running one but it’s the dog truck 200 C and that’s actually the what

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I I recommend that’s what I’ve been using that’s what he’s trained on I

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actually bought this because of the trainer that I have training him

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recommended it that’s what I’m using now so I wanted to some people that asked

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what we were using for him and on the Twitter and stuff like that my call

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sign kb3 yua and also you can follow us on twitter slash survivalist

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podcast but some people that asked what we were using that is what we were using

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so they’re not expensive they’re about a little under 200 if you go directly to

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the company like I said I’ll put it in the show notes you can go ahead and and

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call them they’ll give you a good price let them know you know Brandon from the

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survival has sent you and they will cut you a good deal I paid like I said a

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little under 200 for this with the shipping so really good really good bye

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also to folks one thing I wanted to point out with everything going on in

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the world – I feel like I’m running a sponsorship show here I swear also to on

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the one thing I want to point out I’ve actually been on my wife pointed me to a

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place called mercury which is a website where people can sell something make and

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I actually bought a bunch of camo masks that I’ve been wearing when we go out in

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public and stuff like that you can get up like six bucks seven bucks everybody

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should be wearing a mask when they go outside right now with every they’re not

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outside but in public with everything going on and you can get them I know

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some people don’t want to wear the hospital mask they want to look you know

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they want to kind of personalize and give them a good look if you go on my

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carry right now you can buy them you know a lot of some people been are

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wearing a mask not wearing a mask just because they don’t look cool you can go

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on there’s all different kinds of personalized math people are making all

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different stuff so go on there and get yourself a personalized mask and this

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way at least you’re wearing a mask when you’re out in public for your safety and

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of course the other people around you so very important just go ahead and and do

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that and like I said they’re very cheap very reasonable and that’s mercury is

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another place just trying to give you guys tips to kind of help you stay let’s

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stay healthy folks I mean that’s that’s the main thing right now I want to talk

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about this just a little bit the whole kovat 19 thing I mean I know there’s

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tons of people talking about news is covering every day it’s been going on

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for a couple months now we obviously we’ve most places like Pennsylvania we

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flattened the curb and that’s great but I want to talk about a couple of things so

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first of all with and believe me host this isn’t me being you know into the

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world’s coming ball that but I will say this I I don’t see I have two small

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children and I don’t really see the kids going back to school in September I just

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don’t see it when you look at the linguistics of trying to bust all the

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kids in and keep the kids six feet apart every kid’s gonna have to wear a mask in

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school well eventually the kids gonna have to take his mask off to eat so

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you’re gonna have that you’re gonna have to keep the kids in the hole together in

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a room for eight hours what if one kids sick then then do we you know there’s

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just so much linguistics involved with that I just don’t see the kids going

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back to school I could see adults possibly somehow going back to work in

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certain cases people are still working essential staff obviously are still

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working stuff like that I do see things like possibly the I do see bus stuff

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like I can see hair salons opening back up I can see certain things opening back

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up but I do think like the banks are gonna stick with drive-thru for a while

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I do see I do see the food places not being able to have crowds I can see no

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sporting events for the rest of the year I could see all that kind of stuff being

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canceled that I could see but I don’t see the kids going back to school in

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September I just don’t well that’s just me you know personally I just don’t say

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it I mean I could be wrong I’m just a guy doing a podcast but I don’t think

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that’s gonna be something you’re gonna see happen by some time right so they’re

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gonna happen I also don’t think we’re gonna see certain things we always see I

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know we’re not gonna see crowds for a while I don’t there’s gonna be any

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summer concert tours with any of these big rock bands or country singers or pop

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singers whatever I don’t see that happening anytime in the near future I

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have a feeling that’s gonna be something else that’s gonna be really gonna wait

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until next year I don’t see sporting events I don’t see the NFL starting up

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this year I don’t think baseball is gonna have a season there’s a lot of

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things I just I don’t see happening right now and I just don’t think I mean

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despite what they’re saying that you know things have to get back together

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and all that I just I just don’t see those kinds of things happening in the

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near future I just don’t not when you’re talking about crowds and and all that

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kind of stuff it’s just I don’t understand how you would possibly be

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able to do something like that but like I said I could be wrong things could

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change it could be a medical breakthrough tomorrow and but the way

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things kind of are right now I just don’t see that happening I would like to

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say though thank you to all the first responders anybody at hospitals doctors

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you guys are amazing you know keep trying to keep helping us as many people

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as we can and keep chugging along I do appreciate everything you’re doing and

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you know you can’t we can’t thank you enough for everything you’re doing for

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everybody so thank you for that but like I said I just there’s just so many

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things going on that I just I don’t see I mean I can see like I said I don’t see

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gyms opening up if you own a gym I feel bad for you I just don’t see I don’t see

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gyms opening up a place where sweaty people go and and work out and touch all

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this stuff and I just I don’t see Jim I mean I could be wrong but I just I don’t

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see gyms opening up anytime in the near future that’s just one of those kinds of

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things where it’s just you just don’t want people together like that I don’t

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want people sharing sweat and breathing on each other I just don’t see gyms I

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don’t see opening like I said I don’t I think I see restaurants still doing

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takeout I don’t see I don’t see sporting events anytime soon I don’t see bars

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opening up unless they’re gonna let people say but until the restaurants

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have seating I don’t see a bar opening up just a regular bar opening up where

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people can sit next to each other I don’t see that happen I don’t see there’s just so

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much that I just I don’t see opening up for a while and I hate to say that but I

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think it’s true like I said I mean look at I mean I’d like to see what the used

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car I mean they’re saying that you can do new car sales now possibly come May

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8th but even that how you’re gonna start you get a test drive used cars and say

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give you the key and say here you go have fun with it there’s gonna be a lot

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of things that I really think are gonna change hygiene is gonna change you know

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like on the boardwalk how you gonna stay like down the shore how are you gonna

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stay six feet away from people on the boardwalk I don’t think you’re gonna be

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you can’t look at how crowded those place gets I just don’t see those kind

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of things opening over the summer I just don’t I’ve possible but I mean I don’t

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know how you’re gonna stay six feet apart I don’t know how few you know it

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the whole situation is just gonna be so so difficult to try to any kind of

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recreation I mean like I think right now they’re opening fishing and hunting

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season around the first I met Pennsylvania which is great but I just

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don’t see those kind of things opening up anytime in the near future I don’t I

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mean I could be wrong but I I just it’s so difficult when you think of any type

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of big crowds any kind of social event it’s just it’s so hard when you when you

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people say six feet apart so but like I said I mean that like I said we hope you

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know things we have a big medical breakthrough here soon but I have

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feeling it’s it’s gonna be a little bit so also to folks kind of on a little bit

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nicer topic I want to talk about a couple people asked me I think I told a

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couple of asked about them team picks of opium I said because he’s been gone at

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training and he’s been gone for like about four or five weeks now those you

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either way my Twitter my Instagram all I’ve said that before go ahead and

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follow me on there if you want to see pictures of my kind of day-to-day stuff

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we do around here but I would like to point out so anybody that pointed had

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asked me about different kind of hounds and one of these I would like to point

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out a couple people brought up greyhounds and when you’re comparing

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them to beagles they’re a little bit different where beagles and basset hounds

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and all that they hunt by their by nose and that’s the thing they come by nose

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when you start getting into greyhound or Irish wolf hounds or stuff like that

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anything that they are how they are hunting dogs as well but they are what

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they call sight hounds they’re not like regular they’re both different where

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we’re bat where beagles and basset hounds and all that hump by their nose

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those guys are actually what they call sight hunters and so they’re a little

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bit different kind of different dog as far as how they hunt they’re not ones

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not better than the other but they do hunt differently so if you are looking

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into a greyhound or something like that for hunting do realize or even Irish

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like Irish setters of that like they when they go out they hunt by their nose but

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greyhound some of that and like I said wolf hounds I need deer hounds some of

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that they most of those guys hunt by by sight not by smell where a beagle and

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and a basset hounds things like that do you hunt by their nose so they hunt

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they hunt differently but they’re still great hunting animals we’re great

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hunting dogs so I do want to point that out if you’re looking there is a

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difference like I said between between a sight hound and a I forget what they

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call them I think they’re they call nose hounds I think something that or set I’m

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sorry has sent hounds though so it’s a the scent house so there is a little bit

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different there at the way they hunt so I just want to point that out also too I

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mean every dog any I mean any kind of honey dog can do any kind of hunting but

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I do find myself that the beagles because they’re scent hounds tend to a

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little bit better on the rabbit trail where the greyhounds and stuff they seem

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to be much better with the bigger game and they’re all good they’re all good by

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the way but they’re look there they all do things a little bit differently so it

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depends like I said we’re doing rabbit hunting any animal any any hound will

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work but the scent hounds are a little better at the rabbit hunting I think

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anyway where I think the the sight hounds are actually a little better than

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the the beagles are and stuff like that when it comes to the bear game and some

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of that they’re bigger they’re faster where the the the beagles can be a

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little bit better for small game and stuff like that but again they can all

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hunt but it’s just they’re just a little bit different depending on what you want

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to do I I didn’t want had a big dog for a lot of years and we wanted something a

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little small that’s why I want the beagle but some people really into

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rescuing the greyhounds and I think that’s great if you ever do think about

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getting a hunting dog and you want to rescue a dog those greyhounds a lot of

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them really need good homes and after they race them for a bunch of years they

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need homes and a lot of times people will actually take them in and those

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dogs a lot of times are even like five and six years old they’re so really I

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still got a lot of life left in them you could take one of those guys and train

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them and they are fabulous hunters and they like to run because they were ran

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especially like to say those old greyhound race race dogs that are some of

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them are four or five years old and they’re past their prime for racing but

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they still got a lot of years to hunt so that’s something you do as well that

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gets you into a hunting dog actually relatively cheaply a lot of those

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greyhounds really need homes and they’re bigger dogs too if you like if you’re

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not if you’re okay with a bigger dog you can get yourself into a hunting dog

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very very cheaply by rescuing a greyhound so I would like to point that

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out as well so that’s something to remember to how you that’d be a way you

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can get yourself into a hunting dog without spending a lot of money some

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other things folks as well I just want to talk about how about people have been

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talking to me recently about the about the economy and all that kind of stuff

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you know my wife and I like I said we just put a cabin you know it’s very

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difficult to buy things right now with the current state of the banks and money

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and all that is a little difficult we actually are the cabin up that we have

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is very small that’s just enough for the three four the four of us my wife and

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two kids and all that so it’s enough for us we actually paid cash for it it was

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relatively cheap we got it from an older gentleman that was just kind of looking

00:15:10.880 –> 00:15:16.520
to offload it so we bought it cash and you can if you’re looking to to buy you

00:15:16.520 –> 00:15:21.520
know a second home or a piece of land right now mortgage and stuff are really

00:15:21.520 –> 00:15:26.040
really tough you know it’s a really tough thing you might want to check if

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you’re gonna think about possibly buying a second home or a cabin or a spot to

00:15:30.760 –> 00:15:34.320
bug out you might want to look at how you’re gonna be financing because right

00:15:34.320 –> 00:15:38.280
now with everything going on the banks are very tight mortgage companies are a

00:15:38.280 –> 00:15:41.320
little bit looser when it comes to getting the mortgages and stuff of that

00:15:41.320 –> 00:15:44.480
banks or something to be a little bit tougher where the mortgage companies are

00:15:44.480 –> 00:15:48.560
a little bit looser so I would seriously about a mortgage company try to get a

00:15:48.560 –> 00:15:52.620
fixed mortgage on adjustable generally if it’s not your primary home you will

00:15:52.620 –> 00:15:56.240
end up with an adjustable mortgage a lot of times just because they feel it’s

00:15:56.240 –> 00:15:59.240
riskier because it’s a second home so you might want to look at something like

00:15:59.240 –> 00:16:03.040
that again that’s not I guess I don’t think you know it’s not something where

00:16:03.040 –> 00:16:05.920
you know you can’t afford it that’s why they’re giving you a fixed or adjustable

00:16:05.920 –> 00:16:10.080
generally on second homes they always give adjustables or they don’t give you

00:16:10.080 –> 00:16:14.040
so if you want to fix the interest rates not so good if you are looking though I

00:16:14.040 –> 00:16:16.680
would try to get a fixed rate the interest rate might not be so good but

00:16:16.680 –> 00:16:20.560
the fixed rates are probably the lowest they’re gonna be for quite a while so if

00:16:20.560 –> 00:16:24.000
you are looking at a second home now would be the time to buy the interest

00:16:24.000 –> 00:16:26.720
rates like I said are pretty low and if you could get a fixed rate maybe the

00:16:26.720 –> 00:16:32.600
interest rate might be a little more but you know at least you can go ahead and

00:16:32.600 –> 00:16:37.080
I mean at least you at least at that point at least you can try to you know

00:16:37.080 –> 00:16:41.480
kind of you know you get a lower rate than what you would get if you wait

00:16:41.480 –> 00:16:44.360
until things get back in the boom again if you can afford it I know there’s a

00:16:44.360 –> 00:16:46.960
lot of people not working right now now might not be the time to do something

00:16:46.960 –> 00:16:50.320
like that but if you can’t afford it now might be the time to look for a second

00:16:50.320 –> 00:16:53.600
home get a fixed rate the fixed rates might be a little bit higher but at

00:16:53.600 –> 00:16:56.920
least though you get a fixed rate and I don’t think the fixed rates are gonna be

00:16:56.920 –> 00:17:01.320
this low again for quite a while especially as things start opening up

00:17:01.320 –> 00:17:04.680
here in the next couple of months hopefully things sort of may appear in

00:17:04.680 –> 00:17:09.240
the next couple of months but so that’s just some advice on that some people ask

00:17:09.240 –> 00:17:13.720
me about stock prices too I will say one thing about stock prices if you are gonna

00:17:13.720 –> 00:17:20.240
look at doing stocks anything like Amazon Google Apple Microsoft those

00:17:20.240 –> 00:17:25.600
things are I mean if they’re lower now Facebook is even a low now they’re gonna

00:17:25.600 –> 00:17:30.360
go back up so if you now’s the time if you can I mean buy and just sit on them

00:17:30.360 –> 00:17:34.000
until the country opens up here real soon and I think things are gonna get

00:17:34.000 –> 00:17:37.520
you know things get better those stocks are going to Facebook or Instagram going up

00:17:37.520 –> 00:17:41.000
and stuff like that so those are pretty safe bets if you’re looking for

00:17:41.000 –> 00:17:45.760
investments for those of you like I said unfortunately that are that are out of

00:17:45.760 –> 00:17:50.280
work or doing you know waiting for your you know it’s a tough time I understand

00:17:50.280 –> 00:17:53.760
that most lot of people getting the stimulus checks now and stuff like that

00:17:53.760 –> 00:17:57.880
things are gonna hopefully start getting hopefully a little bit better for you

00:17:57.880 –> 00:18:02.120
but I know it’s I know it’s a tough thing right now and I wish you and your

00:18:02.120 –> 00:18:06.240
families all the best and fortunately you know this is what prepping is about

00:18:06.240 –> 00:18:08.920
you know we never thought something like this was gonna happen we’ve always

00:18:08.920 –> 00:18:12.880
looked us like we’re crazy for prepping and getting ready you know things maybe

00:18:12.880 –> 00:18:18.120
aren’t as you know we can get food we can get this kind of that but you know

00:18:18.120 –> 00:18:23.560
financially it were all in a tougher situation than we were so you know if

00:18:23.560 –> 00:18:26.120
business is quite you know someplace they feel bad for businesses they’re

00:18:26.120 –> 00:18:29.720
getting loans and stuff like that that are they got to pay back and stuff like

00:18:29.720 –> 00:18:33.360
that so it’s a very tough thing right now a lot of people on unemployment a

00:18:33.360 –> 00:18:36.680
lot of people unfortunately are saying they’re willing to risk their health

00:18:36.680 –> 00:18:39.840
just to reopen just so they can get back to work because they’re so desperate

00:18:39.840 –> 00:18:43.920
they need money so it’s it’s a tough time right now challenging time it’s

00:18:43.920 –> 00:18:48.720
very difficult to watch people that are willing to risk their health over

00:18:48.720 –> 00:18:52.080
something as you know just something because they need to work I mean they

00:18:52.080 –> 00:18:55.680
wanted to say well I’m willing to get sick just because I’m willing to risk my

00:18:55.680 –> 00:18:58.200
up my chances of getting sick just because I need to get back to work

00:18:58.200 –> 00:19:02.400
because we’re so desperate so it’s a very tough time very challenging time

00:19:02.400 –> 00:19:05.880
for everybody and it’s really unfortunate but that’s the world we live

00:19:05.880 –> 00:19:09.960
in a fortune where money is money is unfortunately well something that

00:19:09.960 –> 00:19:14.280
everybody needs and you know it’s one of those things where people are willing to

00:19:14.280 –> 00:19:17.120
risk their their health because they need their money and I get it I

00:19:17.120 –> 00:19:20.280
understand that if you got kids you can’t feed it that’s a tough thing

00:19:20.280 –> 00:19:24.680
that’s a real tough thing and you know people kill for that kind of stuff so

00:19:24.680 –> 00:19:28.920
that’s one of those things I will say this like I said though I think this

00:19:28.920 –> 00:19:31.280
thing start opening up things will start getting a little bit better for

00:19:31.280 –> 00:19:34.800
everybody I hope anyway we’ll see unemployment come down and stuff like

00:19:34.800 –> 00:19:37.240
that I’m sure they’re gonna do they’re good they’re saying they’re gonna have

00:19:37.240 –> 00:19:40.040
they’re having more stimulus packages coming and stuff like that for people to

00:19:40.040 –> 00:19:43.440
try to help them out but I have a feeling unfortunately unless unless we

00:19:43.440 –> 00:19:46.360
get a breakthrough and a vaccine then we start vaccine you’re at the feeling this

00:19:46.360 –> 00:19:49.800
is gonna this is gonna keep stretching on I have a feeling just I hate to say

00:19:49.800 –> 00:19:56.360
this this might be the new norm if they don’t come up with with something and I

00:19:56.360 –> 00:19:58.840
think that’s a scary thing to think about but it is something we all need to

00:19:58.840 –> 00:20:04.400
think about that it could be this could be the new the new norm you know and

00:20:04.400 –> 00:20:09.480
then that’s something I want to stress that you know if people looking like I’m

00:20:09.480 –> 00:20:12.680
nuts when I say that but it it’s possible this could be the new norm

00:20:12.680 –> 00:20:17.740
depending on if they can find a cure or not so like I said we’ll have to you

00:20:17.740 –> 00:20:22.560
know sit back and and and see what happens every day is another day so

00:20:22.560 –> 00:20:26.140
hospitals on lockdown I have family that’s in the hospital right now not for

00:20:26.140 –> 00:20:30.160
coded but civic arts you can’t go in and see them you can’t go you really can’t

00:20:30.160 –> 00:20:33.700
talk to them you call their phones and stuff like that but even that’s a little

00:20:33.700 –> 00:20:37.200
bit difficult because of reception problems of that but you know it’s a

00:20:37.200 –> 00:20:40.920
tough thing right now you know people in the hospital that you can’t talk to you

00:20:40.920 –> 00:20:44.800
can’t see because you know hospitals and all that are all on lockdown so it’s

00:20:44.800 –> 00:20:47.920
it’s a very difficult thing it’s very trying time but it’s something we’re all

00:20:47.920 –> 00:20:51.580
gonna have to work through and and really difficulty you know try to try to

00:20:51.580 –> 00:20:54.760
get through here as we go through and like I said it hate to say is but what

00:20:54.760 –> 00:20:59.080
if it is the new norm we don’t know we don’t know yeah and we’re just gonna have

00:20:59.080 –> 00:21:04.140
to watch and see how things kind of play out as we go forward so but I do want to

00:21:04.140 –> 00:21:07.240
probably want to come on here for a little bit and just kind of talk about

00:21:07.240 –> 00:21:11.280
things talk about that things are changing how you know I haven’t done a

00:21:11.280 –> 00:21:13.560
show in a while like I said I’ve been very busy I’ve been doing a lot of

00:21:13.560 –> 00:21:16.800
outdoor stuff we’ve been working on our cabin over the winter well over the

00:21:16.800 –> 00:21:19.200
winter but right after the new year some of that so we’ve been doing things we’ve

00:21:19.200 –> 00:21:23.560
been outside doing stuff getting ready for to grow some stuff this season gonna

00:21:23.560 –> 00:21:27.080
plant some trees stuff like that so it’s you know I got a lot going on a lot

00:21:27.080 –> 00:21:30.480
things on like I said you have a family in the hospital too that’s we’ve been

00:21:30.480 –> 00:21:33.840
dealing with that too so a lot of a lot of things going on right now so trust me

00:21:33.840 –> 00:21:37.740
I understand what everybody says they’re crazy busy I really truly do understand

00:21:37.740 –> 00:21:41.440
what you guys are going through because it’s a it’s a crazy time for everybody

00:21:41.440 –> 00:21:45.320
and you know I understand that so I want to thank every you know thank everybody

00:21:45.320 –> 00:21:48.800
for listening like I said what I’m gonna try to do I got some other ideas for

00:21:48.800 –> 00:21:52.520
shows and things I want to do so I’m gonna try to get those up hopefully here

00:21:52.520 –> 00:21:56.200
you know this week and next week and hopefully start giving you guys a little

00:21:56.200 –> 00:21:59.480
more content some more shows I really enjoy doing this I enjoy talking to you

00:21:59.480 –> 00:22:06.600
guys and I do enjoy survivalism and outdoors and hunting and all this fun

00:22:06.600 –> 00:22:10.040
stuff I enjoy all of it I look forward to really also to folks I’ve been

00:22:10.040 –> 00:22:12.600
reviewing some products and I’m gonna get those up on the side I got a lot of

00:22:12.600 –> 00:22:16.560
stuff I want to do and like I say do enjoy this not something I have to do

00:22:16.560 –> 00:22:19.480
something I want to do and I really appreciate you guys that listen and

00:22:19.480 –> 00:22:23.240
enjoy the show and really appreciate all the support I’ll thank everybody for

00:22:23.240 –> 00:22:27.960
listening and we’ll talk to you on the next episode thank you much