Winter Time Preparedness And Our Pets (Transcript)

(Full Show Audio)

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Alright folks with the download button on the Survivalist Podcast.

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And as always folks you can catch all of our old shows.

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And always folks you can catch obviously

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in all places where well fine podcasts are available.

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Also folks a couple of you guys have reached out to me on there

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but of course our social media is our website.

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And if you jump on there hang out with us there.

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It’s very much like Twitter.

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We’re a great group of people there and we have fun.

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We don’t always talk about politics and survival.

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We talk about a lot of other things as well.

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A lot of my tech buddies are there so you can get a lot of your tech questions answered.

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Stuff like that.

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But that is over at is the website.

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And that’s kind of my little corner of the world where we hang out and talk.

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Like I said along with our website and SoundCloud.

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Also too folks if you want to a couple of people have asked.

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If you want to donate if you go to

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there is a spot there where you can click and you can donate.

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A couple of people have asked where can they give donations to keep the show going, keep it free.

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That’s where you can do it.

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You don’t have to but if you can a few bucks would help pay for hosting.

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And pay for keeping the company on the website and some of the other little expenses that go along with the podcast available.

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Also folks I want to point out our sponsor this week over at Pete and Pedro.

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They’re nice enough to send us a nose and ear hair trimmer this week to promote on the show.

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They also sell all products all aimed towards men.

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They sell hair products, they sell beard products, they sell all different kinds of stuff over at Pete and Pedro.

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You can find the link in the show notes if you do we get the credit for it.

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But like I said they sent me this wonderful nose and hair trimmer to talk about here.

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It’s actually USB chargeable so it actually saves the environment.

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It’s waterproof, you have a cleanable head.

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It’s quiet, it lasts a long time. I charged it once and I’ve used it a bunch of times and it still hasn’t.

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I still haven’t had to recharge it so it’s really wonderful.

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It’s a three in one trimmer. Like I said it’s got a replaceable blade head, cuts easily, safely.

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Hasn’t snicked my nose or anything like that.

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Like I said USB rechargeable.

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It’s quiet, like I said on a full charge.

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I think it can last like three or four hours on it.

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But that’s Pete and Pedro. The link will be in the show notes. Like I said they sent us the nose and ear trimmer this week to try.

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That’s a wonderful product. We appreciate their support of the show.

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Like I said if you use the link in the show notes we get some credit for it.

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They were nice enough to send us a bunch of free products to try.

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Have used their shampoo.

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It actually is really nice. It smells really nice.

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It’s not like a typical guy product.

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Sometimes guy products are kind of crappy but it actually is kind of a nice product and all that.

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So I do appreciate that and their support of the show and sponsoring today’s episode.

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We don’t have a whole lot of sponsors on this show as you know.

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So we appreciate that and appreciate them working with us.

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So we can get some sponsors for the show.

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Like I said if you use the link in the show notes we get the credit for a small percentage of any of the purchases you guys do.

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So we appreciate that.

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Also to folks on the website,

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I’m actually going to be doing some Amazon suggestion links.

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Stuff that I’ve actually used. Stuff that I’ve actually tried.

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If you click on the link and buy it we do get some credit for it that way as well.

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Like I said I’m not looking to make a fortune doing the show.

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Actually I’m not going to make any money actually.

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I’m just looking to try to break even with the cost of the hosting for SoundCloud.

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With the website and with supporting the little social community we have.

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So like I said I’m not looking to make a ton of money on it.

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But I would actually like to break even rather than keep spending money.

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So I do appreciate that.

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I’m not going to be like Alex Jones and talk about how they’re trying to shut me down or anything like that because they’re not.

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But like I said if I could break even I really would appreciate it from you guys.

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So I thank you very much for that.

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And again thank you to Pete and Pedro for having us as having a sponsor and having us as part of their group to sell their product.

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So I appreciate that.

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So folks I wanted to talk for a few minutes kind of as a kind of as a public.

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I always talk about the news and we’re going to get to the news. A lot of news this week.

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But I do want to talk about for a minute kind of as a public service.

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It is going to be up on the website as well.

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But there are a few that do our if you are a pet person and you are in the northeast Pennsylvania or northeast P.A.

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or where it gets cold in the northern part of the country.

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You know public service you know is going to be good.

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We have a cold front coming through. Please make sure you bring in your pets and your animals if they are outside.

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I don’t recommend ever having an outdoor pet.

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But if you have a dog or anything like that make sure you bring him in for the cold.

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They do have as well heated dog houses. I have actually got one of those for my dog even though he is an indoor dog.

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When he’s outside or if he wants to go out on his run.

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I actually did get him a heated dog house. I did get him a heated bowl.

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All that stuff. I have all that stuff up on the website.

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But again if you do have a pet it’s supposed to get pretty cold now.

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We are in December and things are getting pretty cold.

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So if you do have a pet that you do leave outside for a certain amount of time make sure you bring him in at night.

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And if you do as well have a pet there are things you can do that make it a little bit easier for them.

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Like I said a heated dog house, heated bowls so their water doesn’t get cold.

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Frozen so they have water. Very important.

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And obviously always make sure you use the anything for flea and tick prevention.

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Not as big of an issue now.

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But you know if you nip it in the you know kind of take care of it now so it doesn’t get worse.

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You can still have eggs and larva and stuff that can be brought in with them that can hatch in the house because it’s warm in the house and stuff.

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So all that kind of stuff. Like I said kind of a public service.

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Like I said I actually went out and we actually did get a heated dog house for him even though Obi the Wonder Dog is actually an indoor pet.

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We actually actually went and got the heated dog house for him.

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So when he is outside for like during the day and something if he gets cold or if it gets tingly the temperature should drop.

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This way he’s actually you know has a warm place to go.

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Again you know I do understand that a lot of people I know a lot of people say well they’re pets they’re animals but animals still are friends they’re still people.

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And you know like I said we take extra good care of our pets here at the homestead because he is a working dog.

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He does go hunting with me and stuff like that so he does make sure too all your pets have the shots and all that kind of stuff.

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So kind of a public service announcement kind of an important thing especially with the winter.

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The heaters are not expensive. I think you can get a heater for the dog heater for your dog’s house which is made for them.

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If you are going to put a heater in there I do recommend you do get one that is for pet related.

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And the reason why I say this is some of the newer heaters that are for the dog house is actually have wire or a harder coil wire.

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So if your pet should be a wire chewer.

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Very fortunately OP is not but if you do have a pet that is a wire chewer there’s actually have metal wire coiled around it.

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Which actually makes it so the pet can’t chew through it. I have it on both the bowl and the dog house.

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So this way if him or the dog should for some reason start chewing you know they can’t chew through the wire and get electrocuted.

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So I think it’s very very important like I said you don’t have to do it but I do it.

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Just so he has a warm place to go in case the temperature drops and we’re not home.

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The bowl so he at least has water. Make sure he’s put in fresh water by the way. Don’t leave the water in there forever.

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It doesn’t matter if it’s freezing or not. Parasites and like still live in it.

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Empty the bowl every time you put them out.

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You know just so he has you know it’s better sometimes it’s better to not have water than to have water with you know any kind of germs or sickness in it.

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So please make sure you go ahead and he needs the bowl regularly.

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All that kind of stuff very very important like I said to make sure that we do our best.

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Try to keep our furry friends healthy especially in the cold.

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A little bit like even if you have an outdoor cat they do have outdoor cat houses. Heated cat houses especially if you have an outdoor cat.

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Very important to give them some place they can stay warm especially if they’re an outdoor cat.

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I don’t recommend that but some people do have them.

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Especially around a farm or some of that so have a warm place they can go.

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Like I said they do have heated heated cat houses they have heated bowls for cats.

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Everything for dogs they have for cats we all know that.

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You know let’s just make sure we keep our furry friends happy and healthy.

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And like I said you can like I said especially dogs I find are a little bit tougher being outside than cats are.

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But cats are tough too don’t let them fool you.

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I’ve seen many people with outdoor cats that do really well in the cold and stuff like that.

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Especially if your dog is old like when they’re young like Opie’s still got a lot of puppy in him yet he’s still only 3 years old 4 years old.

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But you do have people that pets that are getting on in age.

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And just like older people sometimes can’t take the cold those older dogs bones and joints just can’t take the cold.

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So if you have an older pet you might want to be especially a lot more cautious of it.

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If you have a puppy he probably would be okay but sometimes those older dogs can’t take the cold just like the younger dogs can.

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So kind of like I said I wanted to talk about that today on the show.

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Also too kind of a little public service announcement for the pet owners out there.

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Just take care of our furry friends especially if they’re a little bit older.

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Any pet just like when they get older needs a little more tender love and care.

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Just like a car just like people as they get older they’re going to need a little more love and care.

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Especially when they’re older sometimes they just cannot take the cold and freezing temperatures like they can when they’re a pup.

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So just like I said just wanted to get that out there.

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Kind of a little public service announcement.

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Kind of remind everybody sometimes we just need a little reminder when it gets a little cold.

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You know to make sure we take care of everything and take care of our furry buddies.

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Like I said it is getting a little bit cold out there.

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It’s 28 degrees out there today.

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It was it was you know what it was it was 41 today but it was it’s 28 now it’s 23.

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We’re actually gonna get snow here in the northeast coming up here after the weekend but it is getting colder.

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Frost in the morning most mornings.

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Another thing too by the way I just want to point out.

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Any of you that are listening if you want to try to be prepared.

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I would check the date in your battery this time of year.

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You kind of find out how strong your battery is in the cold.

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I know myself I had to put a new battery into my pickup truck a couple months ago.

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We had a really you know bitter cold night and just Chuck was just not taking it.

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So you know get your battery checked.

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And by the way folks I would like to point out.

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Those of you that are like well I don’t want to spend the money.

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If you go to Advanced Auto they will test your battery for free.

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So it won’t cost you a dime and they will actually put the battery in for free if you buy it there.

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So those of you that maybe think your battery might be a little old or might be getting if you’re not sure.

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You can check the year on it if you’re not sure go to Advanced they will test the battery for free.

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It won’t cost you a penny.

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And like I said they will actually even put the battery in for you if you’re not the most technical savvy person.

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I’m not.

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So like I said I went and did that and I actually had a.

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Not the battery wasn’t bad but a couple cores in the battery were bad.

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So the guy had said let’s do it and I knew because we had the cold weather I had to jump it.

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So kind of like I said if you if you’re not overly handy and you don’t overly know what you’re doing.

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Advanced Auto like I said will they’re basically pride in themselves on being a battery company.

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I mean they’re one of the only auto stores I’ve ever been to.

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They have a whole wall just for batteries.

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So like I said go there and they will test the battery for free.

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Also too Walmart if you go to Walmart you take your battery to Walmart they will test it for you for free.

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Most places will test it for free.

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But I know Advanced will put the battery in for free Walmart won’t.

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But I know like I said Advanced.

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Advanced is nice because you don’t have to take like I know I think at Walmart they’ll come out and test it.

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But I know sometimes they’ll say well bring the battery in or put it in the machine test it.

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With Advanced you just pull up say I need my battery test I think it’s bad.

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Pop the hood and they’ll do it right for you one two three.

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So like I said they’re very good.

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They’ve got the really good testers too.

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They’re not like cheap.

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They’ve got the actual like tester where they can test it.

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The battery tests okay they can test the different cores.

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So I know they’re very good.

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Like I said I’ve had personal experience with them.

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That’s why I’m telling you guys.

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And like I said it won’t cost you anything.

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So if you don’t have a dollar on you.

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Well I mean you need to get money to buy if the battery’s bad.

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But if you don’t want to spend the extra money to get it tested at a place like you know Jack Williams or Coast or whatever the whatever those are.

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You know any of the chain repair places.

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Go to Advanced Auto and they will do it for free.

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And it won’t cost you anything.

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At least and even if you don’t have the money for the battery.

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But you think your battery might be an issue and you’re you know you want to budget for it.

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They test it for free.

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You know even if you don’t get the battery changed you should know if you got a battery or you know need one or not.

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So like I said kind of kind of important especially this time of year.

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You don’t want to get stuck with a dead battery.

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Especially it’s usually always in the morning it’ll happen.

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Because it’s cold but I’ve actually seen it where people will go someplace.

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And then all of a sudden the car battery just won’t run anymore.

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Or if you know sometimes in the morning it’s warmer.

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And you drive to a place then it gets bitter cold while you’re at work.

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You can come out to a dead battery.

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That has happened to me before.

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Sometimes it’ll work in the morning but then in the afternoon when it gets cold the temperature drops it won’t.

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So you don’t want to get, it mostly will happen in the morning.

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But I have seen it where it actually happened at work.

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Especially if the temperature drops while you’re at work.

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And there’s nothing worse than being in a snowstorm and the snow’s coming down.

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You can’t get, you want to get home before the roads get too bad.

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And now you’re stuck because of a dead battery.

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And you know unless you want to start snowing AAA gets busy.

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Or you have to call a friend to come and then they have to drive in those icy roads.

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You can avoid all that if you just go get your battery tested.

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If you think it’s old.

00:14:25.000 –> 00:14:28.000
So like I said very important.

00:14:28.000 –> 00:14:32.000
Again being prepared is not always hey the world’s coming to an end.

00:14:32.000 –> 00:14:34.000
Sometimes it’s a little common sense stuff.

00:14:34.000 –> 00:14:36.000
And this sometimes, this could really help you out.

00:14:36.000 –> 00:14:39.000
Especially you don’t want to be stuck at work with a dead battery with snow and the roads getting bad.

00:14:39.000 –> 00:14:42.000
And you can’t make it home because you got a dead battery.

00:14:42.000 –> 00:14:44.000
So take five minutes.

00:14:44.000 –> 00:14:45.000
Stop in advance.

00:14:45.000 –> 00:14:47.000
Let them test your battery if you think it’s old.

00:14:47.000 –> 00:14:50.000
If you have a brand new car you don’t probably have to worry about it.

00:14:50.000 –> 00:14:51.000
You don’t have to worry about any of this.

00:14:51.000 –> 00:14:56.000
If your car’s, if you just got your car and it’s only a couple years old you’re probably fine.

00:14:56.000 –> 00:15:00.000
It’s some of us that are driving around with six, seven, eight year old vehicles.

00:15:00.000 –> 00:15:03.000
That really got to worry about it.

00:15:03.000 –> 00:15:08.000
You know like I said if you’re driving, I know a couple people are going to say well, I know people are going to say well I have a new car.

00:15:08.000 –> 00:15:10.000
And if you have a newer vehicle then don’t worry about it.

00:15:10.000 –> 00:15:13.000
If your car’s been a couple of years old and you just got it.

00:15:13.000 –> 00:15:15.000
Or you just bought it a couple weeks ago or whatever.

00:15:15.000 –> 00:15:18.000
You don’t have to worry about this. This is for people that are driving around with a little bit older vehicles.

00:15:18.000 –> 00:15:21.000
Six, seven years old that maybe have the battery.

00:15:21.000 –> 00:15:23.000
Might have a dead battery.

00:15:23.000 –> 00:15:25.000
And like I said it’s just for safety purposes.

00:15:25.000 –> 00:15:28.000
You don’t want to get stuck somewhere. The dead battery can be avoided.

00:15:28.000 –> 00:15:30.000
And especially this time of year.

00:15:30.000 –> 00:15:36.000
This is when you really find out if the cold cranking amps on your battery are working.

00:15:36.000 –> 00:15:39.000
Also to folks, a couple of things I want to mention as well.

00:15:39.000 –> 00:15:41.000
We’re getting into those winter months.

00:15:41.000 –> 00:15:45.000
We’re going to have frost and snow on your windshield.

00:15:45.000 –> 00:15:47.000
Check your windshield wipers as well.

00:15:47.000 –> 00:15:49.000
Make sure you get new wipers. I know they’re going to up on price.

00:15:49.000 –> 00:15:51.000
These are going to be the cheapest thing. They’re not anymore.

00:15:51.000 –> 00:15:53.000
Just take five, just take a minute or two.

00:15:53.000 –> 00:15:55.000
One day just check your windshield wipers.

00:15:55.000 –> 00:15:57.000
If they’re old or if they’re not.

00:15:57.000 –> 00:16:00.000
You know if they have rips in them, tears in them.

00:16:00.000 –> 00:16:02.000
Or they look like they’re pretty beat.

00:16:02.000 –> 00:16:06.000
It’s time for new ones. Just go ahead and go get a new pair of windshield wipers.

00:16:06.000 –> 00:16:08.000
Get the ones that are rated for the winter.

00:16:08.000 –> 00:16:10.000
It really can help.

00:16:10.000 –> 00:16:14.000
Also too folks, a couple of other things I recommend this time of year as well.

00:16:14.000 –> 00:16:16.000
Have a blanket in your car if you can.

00:16:16.000 –> 00:16:20.000
Try to make sure you have at least half a tank of gas.

00:16:20.000 –> 00:16:23.000
Anything like this this time of year in this cold weather.

00:16:23.000 –> 00:16:29.000
Could really be the difference between some comfort and possibly a bad situation.

00:16:29.000 –> 00:16:35.000
Like I said, also too make sure your windshield washer fluid is good.

00:16:35.000 –> 00:16:37.000
Make sure you don’t put water in there.

00:16:37.000 –> 00:16:42.000
Make sure you put one that’s got the de-icer that can be in the cold, bitter cold weather without freezing up.

00:16:42.000 –> 00:16:46.000
You don’t want to put regular windshield washer fluid in.

00:16:46.000 –> 00:16:49.000
You want to put in the one that is rated for the cold temperature.

00:16:49.000 –> 00:16:55.000
So you don’t end up having a block of frozen washer fluid.

00:16:55.000 –> 00:16:59.000
Do you want washer fluid in? The roads get dirty, salt, cinder, ice.

00:16:59.000 –> 00:17:02.000
You want to be able to clean your windshield so you can see where you’re going.

00:17:02.000 –> 00:17:04.000
Also too, it can also get the one with the de-icer in it.

00:17:04.000 –> 00:17:09.000
You can spray it on your windshield and it’ll help you in a bind, get the frost off.

00:17:09.000 –> 00:17:19.000
So like I said, all handy useful tips for these winter months that can make life a little more difficult.

00:17:19.000 –> 00:17:24.000
Like I said, I’m not a huge one for, you know, I know a lot of people say,

00:17:24.000 –> 00:17:27.000
“Oh, they’ll bleep food in your car, canned goods.”

00:17:27.000 –> 00:17:33.000
With cell phones nowadays, I think we can all get ourselves help.

00:17:33.000 –> 00:17:42.000
But I think, you know, a blanket in the car, if your car stalls, you can get started again, keep you warm, is a good tip.

00:17:42.000 –> 00:17:45.000
Having extra gas is a good tip.

00:17:45.000 –> 00:17:48.000
Having at least a half a tank of gas is a good tip.

00:17:48.000 –> 00:17:50.000
Having a good battery.

00:17:50.000 –> 00:17:52.000
Making sure you can clean your windshield when you’re driving.

00:17:52.000 –> 00:17:54.000
Make sure you have good windshield wipers.

00:17:54.000 –> 00:17:57.000
Those are kind of little things that, you know.

00:17:57.000 –> 00:18:00.000
The other thing I do recommend, and I know this is going to be crazy.

00:18:00.000 –> 00:18:05.000
The only thing I do tell people is what I would do is I do recommend, I do stay in one of my cars.

00:18:05.000 –> 00:18:08.000
I keep the Lysol wipes or the Windex wipes.

00:18:08.000 –> 00:18:10.000
You can even get them from the dollar store in the car.

00:18:10.000 –> 00:18:12.000
And I’ll be glad you guys can say why.

00:18:12.000 –> 00:18:19.000
It’s not just for, what I always recommend is just because this time of year with the dirt and the cinders and the salt and all that,

00:18:19.000 –> 00:18:27.000
it’s useful sometimes to be able to pull over and get out of your car for a second and wipe your headlights to clean them off.

00:18:27.000 –> 00:18:33.000
I do recommend that because I know myself I get in many situations where it’s like, wow, I can barely see because the lights are so dirty.

00:18:33.000 –> 00:18:37.000
I get out and wipe them down and keep you driving.

00:18:37.000 –> 00:18:40.000
A little thing like that can really help you quite a bit.

00:18:40.000 –> 00:18:45.000
Especially at night when you have dirt, if you can just pull over for a second, wipe them, pull one or two of these out,

00:18:45.000 –> 00:18:51.000
wipe down both car headlights and get back going again.

00:18:51.000 –> 00:18:55.000
Help you seeing at night or during the, you know, it’s a really big thing.

00:18:55.000 –> 00:18:57.000
Like I said, you can get the cheap wipes or whatever.

00:18:57.000 –> 00:19:03.000
You can even keep a little bottle of the, you know, name Windex and a bottle of paper towels in your car, you know,

00:19:03.000 –> 00:19:06.000
and just wipe down your lights if they get dirty.

00:19:06.000 –> 00:19:09.000
So, or two if you go stop for gas.

00:19:09.000 –> 00:19:16.000
A lot of people say to me, well, I’ll just clean my thing when I go to get gas.

00:19:16.000 –> 00:19:21.000
But a lot of times they don’t either have those squeegees there or the water’s frozen and you can’t use it.

00:19:21.000 –> 00:19:26.000
So, like I said, just having those couple things in your car could really help.

00:19:26.000 –> 00:19:30.000
So, busy week here for the news.

00:19:30.000 –> 00:19:33.000
You know, where to even start?

00:19:33.000 –> 00:19:36.000
First of all, Herschel Walker didn’t win down in Georgia.

00:19:36.000 –> 00:19:41.000
So, the blue wave continues.

00:19:41.000 –> 00:19:47.000
You know, I just think that I really, anybody that Trump really endorsed did not do well.

00:19:47.000 –> 00:19:51.000
So, I think America has spoken and people went out and voted and they just didn’t want it.

00:19:51.000 –> 00:19:56.000
So, that is kind of the way things are going right now.

00:19:56.000 –> 00:20:00.000
The blue wave continues.

00:20:00.000 –> 00:20:07.000
Like I said, I’m just, I don’t know, I’m to the point, I didn’t like Herschel Walker to begin with.

00:20:07.000 –> 00:20:14.000
I don’t know, I don’t think he’s well suited for politics and he’s tried to get in before, didn’t work out for him.

00:20:14.000 –> 00:20:19.000
But, like I said, I saw that, that was in the news this week.

00:20:19.000 –> 00:20:25.000
That was kind of, I think, the big news of the week was that, because a lot of people were like, “Oh my God, no, no more blue.”

00:20:25.000 –> 00:20:30.000
And I’m like, well, no, you know, nothing you can do about it now.

00:20:30.000 –> 00:20:35.000
I know a lot of people have said about the Kristin Sinema, she was in the news this week.

00:20:35.000 –> 00:20:40.000
I guess she registered as independent and I guess the Democrats are upset because now it’s supposed to be 51 seats.

00:20:40.000 –> 00:20:45.000
And they’re worried her being independent now that she might actually vote.

00:20:45.000 –> 00:20:48.000
They’re afraid she’s going to actually vote Republican is why they’re afraid.

00:20:48.000 –> 00:20:55.000
Because if she goes, her going independent now means that they might not have the 51 seats they were hoping for.

00:20:55.000 –> 00:20:57.000
So, we’ll see what happens. I don’t know.

00:20:57.000 –> 00:21:03.000
She’s saying she’s going independent because she’s done with, I don’t know, being registered Democrat.

00:21:03.000 –> 00:21:06.000
But if she’s still, I don’t know, I don’t know, we’ll see what happens as she votes as things go further.

00:21:06.000 –> 00:21:16.000
But I thought that was a little bit interesting that she went independent this week on the same week that Herschel Walker lost.

00:21:16.000 –> 00:21:18.000
So, that was kind of a little fishy.

00:21:18.000 –> 00:21:23.000
We’ll see what happens as she votes. We don’t know yet, but she’s registering independent now rather than Democrat.

00:21:23.000 –> 00:21:24.000
And a lot of people are freaking out.

00:21:24.000 –> 00:21:27.000
But she didn’t, like I said, I don’t know, we’ll have to see what happens with that.

00:21:27.000 –> 00:21:31.000
Like I said, she just went independent. She didn’t go Republican, but people can change parties.

00:21:31.000 –> 00:21:34.000
We’ll see what happens. It depends on how she votes.

00:21:34.000 –> 00:21:38.000
We won’t know for a while until, you know, until we see what happens.

00:21:38.000 –> 00:21:48.000
Actually, so, something for those of us that are, well, I haven’t served, but I know a lot of my friends have served or are serving.

00:21:48.000 –> 00:21:52.000
The vaccine mandate apparently is going to be repealed for the troops.

00:21:52.000 –> 00:21:56.000
The troops were being forced to get the COVID vaccine.

00:21:56.000 –> 00:21:59.000
And apparently now the Democrats are rolling it back.

00:21:59.000 –> 00:22:07.000
Part of the reason I’m hearing they’re rolling it back is because I think they said they’re actually getting less enrollment.

00:22:07.000 –> 00:22:09.000
And people are getting worried about that.

00:22:09.000 –> 00:22:11.000
Obviously, we need our military.

00:22:11.000 –> 00:22:12.000
So, they rolled it back.

00:22:12.000 –> 00:22:17.000
Part of the thing is trying to help boost, you know, enrollment into the military.

00:22:17.000 –> 00:22:20.000
So, that’s what they’re saying it is.

00:22:20.000 –> 00:22:23.000
I’m not really sure, but I know they did roll back the mandate.

00:22:23.000 –> 00:22:26.000
So, now people in the military don’t have to get the vaccine anymore.

00:22:26.000 –> 00:22:33.000
So, those of you in the military that have already got it, and unfortunately already got it, but if you didn’t get it yet, you don’t have to if you’re doing the military.

00:22:33.000 –> 00:22:38.000
I got it, and I think, you know, whoever, you know, it should be everybody’s choice.

00:22:38.000 –> 00:22:40.000
I don’t think it should be mandated.

00:22:40.000 –> 00:22:44.000
China getting rid of, by the way, their zero COVID policy.

00:22:44.000 –> 00:22:53.000
I guess they kind of got sick of everybody, the rebellion and everybody, the uprising and all this stuff with the zero mandate policy.

00:22:53.000 –> 00:23:00.000
And I guess they finally, they’re just going to go ahead. They rolled it back and said, “Hey, we’re not going to do the zero COVID policy anymore.

00:23:00.000 –> 00:23:03.000
People can kind of not do what they want, but we’re going to roll it back.”

00:23:03.000 –> 00:23:08.000
So, they are not doing the zero COVID policy anymore.

00:23:08.000 –> 00:23:13.000
I think, you know, I think that, you know, China is a dictatorship.

00:23:13.000 –> 00:23:15.000
They can kind of do what they want.

00:23:15.000 –> 00:23:26.000
But I think the people finally, you know, I think what’s happening in China is exactly what Biden and a lot of other leaders hope would happen in Russia with the sanctions and the tariffs.

00:23:26.000 –> 00:23:30.000
But it just didn’t work the way they wanted it to in Russia.

00:23:30.000 –> 00:23:35.000
I think they were hoping they were going to have an uprising like they had here in China, but it just didn’t happen in Russia.

00:23:35.000 –> 00:23:38.000
And I don’t think it’s going to at this point if they haven’t done it at this point.

00:23:38.000 –> 00:23:48.000
So, and, you know, the Chinese government wants their people to work. They don’t want them to keep running away from the factories because that’s, you know, they’re big moneymakers.

00:23:48.000 –> 00:23:57.000
So, they are actually going to, like I said, they’re actually going to be rolling it back now so that people can get back to, get back to, you know, life again.

00:23:57.000 –> 00:24:01.000
So, you know, kind of good for those people.

00:24:01.000 –> 00:24:07.000
Like I said, they were, I think, like I said, they were hoping that this was what was going to happen over in Russia with the tariffs and the sanctions.

00:24:07.000 –> 00:24:17.000
But it just didn’t happen. So, you know, but at least China got, you know, at least now those people don’t have to be stuck in factories with none of the food or water.

00:24:17.000 –> 00:24:21.000
And welding the door shut and everything, that was just insane.

00:24:21.000 –> 00:24:28.000
So, Elon Musk apparently wanted to buy Wikipedia. That was in the news this week.

00:24:28.000 –> 00:24:36.000
Apparently, Jimmy Wales said, “No, you are not buying Wikipedia. You’re buying Twitter. You’re not buying Wikipedia.

00:24:36.000 –> 00:24:38.000
We’re not for sale. That’s it.”

00:24:38.000 –> 00:24:47.000
So, but apparently it looked like Elon Musk was actually trying at some point to go ahead and buy Wikipedia.

00:24:47.000 –> 00:24:51.000
I guess he said Wikipedia was too far left-leaning and he wanted to buy it.

00:24:51.000 –> 00:24:57.000
And Jimmy Wales, the owner and founder of it, said, “No, you’re not buying Wikipedia. Not going to happen.”

00:24:57.000 –> 00:25:00.000
Apparently, he wanted to buy Wikipedia before he bought Twitter.

00:25:00.000 –> 00:25:05.000
So, I guess it was interesting that he tried to buy that before he tried to buy Twitter.

00:25:05.000 –> 00:25:09.000
But I thought that was interesting. That was in the news this week as well.

00:25:09.000 –> 00:25:19.000
Biden released $36 billion for pensions of the Teamsters Union. I thought that was another interesting story.

00:25:19.000 –> 00:25:32.000
The reason why I brought that up was I really think that, you know, the Teamsters Union has been, I mean, we also, if you have Netflix, go ahead and watch the Jimmy Hoffa story.

00:25:32.000 –> 00:25:36.000
The Teamsters Union has been a tough thing for a lot of years.

00:25:36.000 –> 00:25:44.000
And, you know, I think it’s one of those things where I feel, you know, unions are a tough thing to talk about in general.

00:25:44.000 –> 00:25:48.000
You know, it’s one of those things where you’re paying dues. The union’s supposed to protect you.

00:25:48.000 –> 00:25:53.000
But then when they have mismanagement of funds and people are going to lose their pensions, it’s not the people.

00:25:53.000 –> 00:25:58.000
The people that work to earn their pensions, they put money into the pension fund.

00:25:58.000 –> 00:26:08.000
You know, it’s there for them to use when the union mismanages the funds or doesn’t do it right or has issues with, you know, investing in the wrong things.

00:26:08.000 –> 00:26:12.000
And then all of a sudden, you know, the pension’s not there for these people. It’s not right.

00:26:12.000 –> 00:26:20.000
I mean, these people work their years. They put their money in. If the union mismanages it, now you’re out of a pension. That’s not right.

00:26:20.000 –> 00:26:28.000
I mean, you know, this is kind of my issue with union-run pensions. You got to hope that the people that are running the union and these—

00:26:28.000 –> 00:26:32.000
and unions are run by lawyers, folks. That’s what they’re run by. They’re run by lawyers.

00:26:32.000 –> 00:26:35.000
You have to hope that these lawyers do the right thing with your—

00:26:35.000 –> 00:26:44.000
And then, you know, a prime example of this was about maybe 15 years ago when Ford was supposed to win on strike.

00:26:44.000 –> 00:26:54.000
Ford had said, “Well, what we’ll do is we’ll give you guys higher wages by getting rid of the pensions for the older workers.”

00:26:54.000 –> 00:26:58.000
And I’m thinking to myself—and obviously the workers said, “No, you can’t do that.”

00:26:58.000 –> 00:27:04.000
But, you know, that’s a prime example of, “Okay, wait a minute now because the current union workers are striking.

00:27:04.000 –> 00:27:10.000
We’re going to take money away from the older people that worked all their years and now are retiring and enjoying their union pension.

00:27:10.000 –> 00:27:17.000
How is that right?” But that is the kind of stuff that happens in a union because remember, you’re paying union dues every month,

00:27:17.000 –> 00:27:25.000
and that union is supposed to fight for you. And even after you retire, you know, union dues comes out of your pension,

00:27:25.000 –> 00:27:30.000
and that union is supposed to protect that pension for you as part of those dues you’re paying.

00:27:30.000 –> 00:27:35.000
And, I mean, obviously it didn’t happen with Ford because the union pushed back on it,

00:27:35.000 –> 00:27:43.000
but the union was basically—you know, the union is supposed to keep fighting for higher wages, higher, better benefits,

00:27:43.000 –> 00:27:51.000
better pension plans, but at least for that. But part of the problem is, you know, these unions keep pushing the prices of everything up,

00:27:51.000 –> 00:27:56.000
keep pushing the prices of this up, and that’s fine. But then when these jobs go overseas,

00:27:56.000 –> 00:27:59.000
then all of a sudden the union has nothing to fight for anymore.

00:27:59.000 –> 00:28:08.000
And the union at times fights so hard for these workers and constantly keeps fighting for better everything from these big companies,

00:28:08.000 –> 00:28:13.000
these big companies showing these jobs overseas, and the union kind of pushes themselves out of jobs.

00:28:13.000 –> 00:28:17.000
And it’s not the workers’ fault. The workers just want to go to work and make their money.

00:28:17.000 –> 00:28:21.000
They’re paying into these union fees, and they want something for the money they’re paying.

00:28:21.000 –> 00:28:27.000
And I don’t blame them. I was paying money—I want the union to get me better benefits, better healthcare, better wages, better retirement.

00:28:27.000 –> 00:28:37.000
But the problem is these unions never will tell these union workers, “Hey, you know, we’ve got a lot. If we keep pushing, they’re going to send your job overseas.”

00:28:37.000 –> 00:28:41.000
These union people never say that. They’re just going to keep saying, “Oh, we’re going to keep fighting for different people.”

00:28:41.000 –> 00:28:45.000
Yeah, because they want these people to keep paying their dues because that’s how they make their money.

00:28:45.000 –> 00:28:54.000
I really honestly respect unions, and I respect what they’re doing, but I do believe that the unions, a lot of times, take advantage of some of the—

00:28:54.000 –> 00:29:01.000
take advantage of the workers. And I say that in the nicest way because I think a lot of times the union—

00:29:01.000 –> 00:29:06.000
the unions basically hope that these people that are working aren’t smart enough to understand that—

00:29:06.000 –> 00:29:18.000
I don’t want to say they don’t want to be smart enough, but they don’t want these union workers to understand that there is another side of this.

00:29:18.000 –> 00:29:25.000
The company has to make money, and if the union fights to the point where these people are making so much money that it’s not cost-effective for the company anymore,

00:29:25.000 –> 00:29:31.000
they’re going to get rid of their jobs. And these unions hope that the workers aren’t smart enough to say that back and say,

00:29:31.000 –> 00:29:35.000
“Hey, if we keep doing this, we’re going to push ourselves out of a job.”

00:29:35.000 –> 00:29:41.000
They don’t want these people to push back like that because, remember, these unions only make money if they—

00:29:41.000 –> 00:29:47.000
these unions make money on people, keep paying their dues, and then they make money on fees, they’re charging the union.

00:29:47.000 –> 00:29:52.000
I think unions are a great thing because I do think that they help protect workers.

00:29:52.000 –> 00:29:58.000
I just don’t like the way the unions sometimes treat the workers because they act like, “Hey, we’re there for you.”

00:29:58.000 –> 00:30:04.000
And sometimes they’re not. They’re there for themselves. And I think, especially something like the Teamsters Union,

00:30:04.000 –> 00:30:11.000
these guys are on the road, they’re working hard, they’re trying to put food on the table with their family, and I hate to see unions take advantage.

00:30:11.000 –> 00:30:14.000
And that’s what the union did. The union mismanaged these funds, and now it’s not my—

00:30:14.000 –> 00:30:19.000
Thank goodness the go—and in my opinion, the government should step in because, you know, and I’m not one to say that,

00:30:19.000 –> 00:30:28.000
that the government should step in, but in this case, those pension plans are supposed to be protected.

00:30:28.000 –> 00:30:35.000
And the fact that the union did what they did and these people lost their pensions, were going to lose their pensions,

00:30:35.000 –> 00:30:40.000
you know, it’s a good thing—I think it’s right the government did step in because those pensions were supposed to be protected.

00:30:40.000 –> 00:30:47.000
And it just shows you sometimes how the unions don’t work for you. So, very important, and I just want you to know,

00:30:47.000 –> 00:30:56.000
if you are in a union, I’m—believe me, I’m not against a union, I’m against the union taking advantage of the people that are paying their dues.

00:30:56.000 –> 00:30:59.000
They’re supposed to be working for you, and it just shows you sometimes they’re not.

00:30:59.000 –> 00:31:04.000
So, very important, if you are in a union, always keep up on what’s going on and make sure you say,

00:31:04.000 –> 00:31:10.000
“Hey, you’re working for me,” not if you’re working for yourself. Very important.

00:31:10.000 –> 00:31:17.000
Also, too, House is trying to pass that bill last—this is going to be the last bill under Pelosi because Pelosi is stepping down,

00:31:17.000 –> 00:31:23.000
but, you know, to kind of protect same-sex marriage. I just want to point out that the House could have passed bill—

00:31:23.000 –> 00:31:29.000
when the Democrats had the House, they could have passed that bill a year earlier to protect Roe versus Wade, and he did.

00:31:29.000 –> 00:31:37.000
And now you’re going to be stuck with this Roe versus Wade and being, you know, one state abortion, one state abortion is going to be legal, one state it’s not.

00:31:37.000 –> 00:31:45.000
The House could have passed—when the Democrats had the House, they could have went ahead and passed that bill to protect Roe versus Wade, and they didn’t.

00:31:45.000 –> 00:31:49.000
So, now they’re passing a bill to protect same-sex marriage because they want to over—

00:31:49.000 –> 00:31:58.000
they’re saying the Supreme Court wants to overturn that, but they could have a year earlier, once Biden got into office and they got the House and the 50/50 Senate and Senate,

00:31:58.000 –> 00:32:03.000
they could have passed a bill to protect Roe versus Wade. They were just too busy with other things.

00:32:03.000 –> 00:32:11.000
I blame the president and I blame the House for that. They really could have—instead of worrying about passing all these infrastructure bills and they build back better bills,

00:32:11.000 –> 00:32:16.000
they could have passed a bill that would have protected Roe versus Wade for the whole country.

00:32:16.000 –> 00:32:21.000
I blame the House and the Senate—the House and the president for that. I’m sorry.

00:32:21.000 –> 00:32:28.000
They should have been definitely more worried about that than passing their infrastructure bill.

00:32:28.000 –> 00:32:35.000
AOC is under investigation. I don’t think Aiden’s going to go for that. I think that’s going to just—

00:32:35.000 –> 00:32:39.000
they’re saying she might have taken a bribe. I don’t think that’s going to go anywhere, to be honest with you.

00:32:39.000 –> 00:32:45.000
I just don’t. I mean, I’m not a big fan of hers, but I do think that it’s not going to go anywhere.

00:32:45.000 –> 00:32:53.000
She does seem pretty incorruptible. She’s there for women’s rights. She’s there for a lot of things.

00:32:53.000 –> 00:32:58.000
I just can’t see her taking a bribe. She just seems—and I don’t really say that about many politicians,

00:32:58.000 –> 00:33:12.000
but I do think she’s one of those people that is—she’s too—she’s too—I don’t want to say—she’s too there for the people, really.

00:33:12.000 –> 00:33:18.000
Her is one I really can’t see doing it. I really can. I don’t like her. I’ve had issues with a lot of her,

00:33:18.000 –> 00:33:24.000
the way she is and the way she—what she pushes for and stuff like that. I don’t really agree with a lot of the things she says,

00:33:24.000 –> 00:33:30.000
but I just can’t picture her taking a bribe or anything like that. But she’s under investigation.

00:33:30.000 –> 00:33:35.000
I really—and I don’t say that about many politicians. I just don’t think it’s going to go anywhere, personally.

00:33:35.000 –> 00:33:48.000
I just don’t. Something, too, I want to point out that I forgot to mention. A lot of people are blaming Mitch McConnell, by the way, for the loss in Georgia.

00:33:48.000 –> 00:33:58.000
I just—like I said, I just don’t—I don’t know. I don’t know why. A lot of people are upset with him over his feelings on January 6th.

00:33:58.000 –> 00:34:06.000
If you saw the thing today, people were—the other day, people were coming in, and they were shaking everybody’s hand for the January 6th meeting,

00:34:06.000 –> 00:34:10.000
and people were passing right by him. He was shaking his hand because they were pissed at him.

00:34:10.000 –> 00:34:16.000
Which he—I mean, I don’t know. He sided—he’s a Republican. They always side together. They never go—

00:34:16.000 –> 00:34:19.000
they’re not like Democrats who take their—you know, each have their own thing or whatever.

00:34:19.000 –> 00:34:24.000
He always takes the side of the Republicans. They all stick together, and he stuck together to protect Trump.

00:34:24.000 –> 00:34:30.000
And a lot of people are still pissed off at him about it. A lot of people are blaming him on that whole thing with Herschel Walker.

00:34:30.000 –> 00:34:35.000
I think Trump’s a lot to blame for that. I don’t know if you can blame him. I think him and Mitch McConnell both are to blame.

00:34:35.000 –> 00:34:41.000
But anyway, long story short with that, that was in the news this week.

00:34:41.000 –> 00:34:45.000
European—but I want to bring this up, by the way. I just want to bring this up.

00:34:45.000 –> 00:34:52.000
Europe is gaining access to Apple’s self-repair service program that started in the U.S.

00:34:52.000 –> 00:34:56.000
And I’m actually really for this, the whole right to repair thing.

00:34:56.000 –> 00:35:01.000
I really don’t—I understand that some people can’t, but if you want to repair your own phone, you should be able to.

00:35:01.000 –> 00:35:07.000
I mean, you bought the phone. You—it’s not like Apple’s giving you the phone and saying, “OK, use it,” you know, whatever.

00:35:07.000 –> 00:35:12.000
It’s—no, you’re paying for that device. That is your device. You paid for it.

00:35:12.000 –> 00:35:19.000
You should be able to repair it if you want. This whole crap that Apple’s fighting where people shouldn’t be able to repair their own devices is ridiculous.

00:35:19.000 –> 00:35:24.000
I mean, I know they want the repair money, but I mean, it’s really ridiculous.

00:35:24.000 –> 00:35:31.000
I mean, you paid for that device. That’s your device. Like, it’s not—I don’t understand why Apple’s fighting it.

00:35:31.000 –> 00:35:39.000
But now, apparently, now Europe is going to find—America finally got right to repair, and now apparently Europe’s going to get right to repair.

00:35:39.000 –> 00:35:45.000
I’m very pro right to repair. Like I said, it’s your device. You paid the money. You bought it. It’s yours.

00:35:45.000 –> 00:35:50.000
So I don’t—like I said, at least they’re getting right to repair now.

00:35:50.000 –> 00:36:00.000
Apple released the Apple Apps of the Year. A lot of people thought TrueSocial would be on it because of how big that was when it released.

00:36:00.000 –> 00:36:07.000
It didn’t. A lot of problems, a lot of issues. It hasn’t really—it did gain some traction, but not what it expected.

00:36:07.000 –> 00:36:11.000
So that—it’s not App of the Year. A lot of people on the Internet were like, “Oh, TrueSocial should be App of the Year.”

00:36:11.000 –> 00:36:18.000
No, why would it be App of the Year? It’s only got like 9, 10 million people on it. It’s not nowhere near what other apps have.

00:36:18.000 –> 00:36:23.000
Despite what Trump will tell you, it’s not that big of an app compared to other companies.

00:36:23.000 –> 00:36:32.000
Let’s see. Other news. Trump’s company got a slap on the wrist for tax issues.

00:36:32.000 –> 00:36:38.000
They’re not breaking the company up. They’re not—I think they’re going to get like a million dollar fine, which is nothing.

00:36:38.000 –> 00:36:49.000
It’s for the whole tax thing. I just think it’s, you know—I was in the news. I just—I don’t—I mean, I get it, but it’s just not going to be, again, a million dollars.

00:36:49.000 –> 00:36:54.000
They’re going to have to pay in a fine. That’s nothing for them, I’m sure. And they’re not breaking the company up or anything like that.

00:36:54.000 –> 00:37:00.000
So I don’t understand why that was news, but it was in the news.

00:37:00.000 –> 00:37:12.000
Apparently, the Chinese—a hacker’s link to the Chinese government—I’ve said to have stole tons of COVID benefits to Group APT41.

00:37:12.000 –> 00:37:16.000
Like I said, they do say they’re linked to the Chinese government. Who knows?

00:37:16.000 –> 00:37:21.000
But apparently they stole like 20 million in U.S. COVID relief benefits.

00:37:21.000 –> 00:37:26.000
Like, I know we’re not going to have it yet, but they are. They’re investigating it right now.

00:37:26.000 –> 00:37:34.000
That was in the news. Let’s see, what else do we have in the news?

00:37:34.000 –> 00:37:41.000
So I want to bring this one thing up. It’s kind of old news, but we all know Christy Alley passed away this week, 71 years old.

00:37:41.000 –> 00:37:47.000
I just want to bring this up only for a minute, only because I didn’t realize she was in Cheers.

00:37:47.000 –> 00:37:53.000
I was looking up her after she passed away. I looked up what she had been, and I didn’t realize she had been in Cheers.

00:37:53.000 –> 00:38:00.000
I knew she was in a lot of shows, but I didn’t realize she went that far back in acting.

00:38:00.000 –> 00:38:04.000
Obviously, a lot of those people did Woody Harrelson was in Cheers.

00:38:04.000 –> 00:38:07.000
Obviously, they had the spinoff Frasier, which was pretty funny. I remember that.

00:38:07.000 –> 00:38:10.000
Like I said, I’m not going to get too much into it, but I didn’t realize she was in Cheers.

00:38:10.000 –> 00:38:17.000
I knew she was in Look Who’s Talking. My wife and I like that show. We watched that together.

00:38:17.000 –> 00:38:21.000
I knew she was in a bunch of different movies over the years.

00:38:21.000 –> 00:38:27.000
She’s obviously an A-list actress, but I didn’t realize she had gone all the way back to Cheers.

00:38:27.000 –> 00:38:31.000
So that was pretty cool. Like I said, I didn’t realize she had been around that long.

00:38:31.000 –> 00:38:34.000
I knew she was an A-list actress.

00:38:34.000 –> 00:38:43.000
The other thing I do want to bring up as well. There was an interesting article, as you saw in a couple different things,

00:38:43.000 –> 00:38:48.000
talking about the inflation issue that’s still going on in this country.

00:38:48.000 –> 00:38:52.000
This is the kind of thing that kind of concerned me a little bit.

00:38:52.000 –> 00:38:58.000
They’re saying that credit card debt is going up at an all-time high.

00:38:58.000 –> 00:39:02.000
This is kind of the scary part. They’re saying, and I know, granted, you’ve got to take these numbers with a grain of salt,

00:39:02.000 –> 00:39:07.000
because obviously a lot of these things can only gauge so much stuff.

00:39:07.000 –> 00:39:17.000
They’re saying the majority of a lot of the credit card debt we’re seeing right now is for necessities like food, clothing.

00:39:17.000 –> 00:39:25.000
Utility bills, things like that. So I thought that was an interesting article.

00:39:25.000 –> 00:39:33.000
One of the things they’re talking about the inflation is that the problem is that, especially the country right now,

00:39:33.000 –> 00:39:44.000
they keep raising interest rates to slow down the buying power of the consumer.

00:39:44.000 –> 00:39:50.000
But the problem is they’re driving up the inflation more. It is a broken system.

00:39:50.000 –> 00:39:59.000
The more they keep raising interest rates, the more people obviously are going to have to spend on stuff.

00:39:59.000 –> 00:40:02.000
But some of these credit cards, because the Fed keeps raising the interest rate,

00:40:02.000 –> 00:40:10.000
some of these people have credit cards that are way over 20% some of them, and they weren’t that high a couple years ago.

00:40:10.000 –> 00:40:16.000
So now they’re paying more in interest on these. You could have somebody with, say, only had a little bit on their credit card,

00:40:16.000 –> 00:40:24.000
and now because the interest rate is going up now, these cards have gone up from like 10%, 12% to 18% and 20%.

00:40:24.000 –> 00:40:30.000
And people are using their credit cards now to pay for necessities that they need, because the cost of food has gone up so much.

00:40:30.000 –> 00:40:35.000
That was the big thing too, is that people are using their credit cards to buy food, because food has gone up.

00:40:35.000 –> 00:40:47.000
They’re saying that the old thing of inflation went up 4 or 5% a year. It’s gone up substantially more than that.

00:40:47.000 –> 00:40:52.000
And because the federal government keeps raising the interest rates to slow down the power of the consumer,

00:40:52.000 –> 00:40:55.000
it’s pushing up the prices of food, it’s pushing up the prices of their credit cards,

00:40:55.000 –> 00:40:58.000
and now it’s pushing up the credit card debt in America.

00:40:58.000 –> 00:41:04.000
And they’re saying it’s going to lead to another 2008 if we’re not careful.

00:41:04.000 –> 00:41:10.000
But they’re already saying housing prices are going to go down, and you have people that bought at the top of the market,

00:41:10.000 –> 00:41:16.000
and now they owe more again than what the house is worth, because they bought at the top of the market.

00:41:16.000 –> 00:41:22.000
And the other thing is too, now their mortgages are going up. People that have adjustable rates are going up tremendously.

00:41:22.000 –> 00:41:28.000
What was 4%, 5%, 6% now is up to 10%, 12%. Some people are paying 10% or 12% on their mortgage,

00:41:28.000 –> 00:41:33.000
which we have not seen rates like that in forever, probably since the late ’70s or early ’80s.

00:41:33.000 –> 00:41:38.000
So, you know, this whole thing, and the problem is the federal government,

00:41:38.000 –> 00:41:43.000
the only tool they have is to keep raising the interest rate, and it’s a broken system,

00:41:43.000 –> 00:41:47.000
because the more they raise the interest rate, the more everything else is going up with it.

00:41:47.000 –> 00:41:52.000
So it’s really a broken, and I’ve been saying this for a while now, it’s a broken system.

00:41:52.000 –> 00:42:00.000
But down the aisle problem is people are getting told they’re using credit cards now for the necessities,

00:42:00.000 –> 00:42:05.000
and that’s a concern now that they’re saying that is becoming a bigger, bigger concern now

00:42:05.000 –> 00:42:11.000
with the government is when they start seeing people using credit cards for needs, not wants.

00:42:11.000 –> 00:42:17.000
Very, you know, and I’m not going to lie, we all do that, in a certain degree anyway.

00:42:17.000 –> 00:42:22.000
You know, myself, I’m not going to lie, we had a big car bill recently, like three grand on one of our cars,

00:42:22.000 –> 00:42:27.000
and we just didn’t have it to lay out at the time, so, you know, we got one of those interest-only credit cards,

00:42:27.000 –> 00:42:35.000
so I’ll take the payment, divide it by 11, and pay that much every month, so I have it paid off by the time the interest hits,

00:42:35.000 –> 00:42:41.000
which is fine. There’s nothing wrong with that. But you have people that are floating balances,

00:42:41.000 –> 00:42:47.000
they’re not paying them off, they’re floating balances. And, you know, we all have credit cards,

00:42:47.000 –> 00:42:51.000
some credit card debt, all of us do, that’s kind of a normal thing now.

00:42:51.000 –> 00:42:56.000
You know, and I have a couple credit cards that we pay every month, too, and we’re not drowning in credit card debt,

00:42:56.000 –> 00:43:01.000
but there are people that are, and that’s, you know, man, what’s going to happen is,

00:43:01.000 –> 00:43:06.000
and what is going to happen with this is this, and this is kind of what happened, really the bubble,

00:43:06.000 –> 00:43:11.000
what burst in 2008 was, you had people that kept charging on these cars, and they would declare bankruptcy,

00:43:11.000 –> 00:43:19.000
and unsecured credit card debt does not have to be paid back, so you get all these banks now that have all this unsecured debt,

00:43:19.000 –> 00:43:26.000
and, you know, it led to a problem, and that’s kind of, you know, not only did the mortgages drop out,

00:43:26.000 –> 00:43:30.000
but then you had these old unsecured debt that people declared bankruptcy, you don’t have to pay it back.

00:43:30.000 –> 00:43:33.000
People drove up their credit cards because they knew they were declaring bankruptcy,

00:43:33.000 –> 00:43:38.000
and this is kind of what led to 2008. So it’s kind of a scary situation.

00:43:38.000 –> 00:43:46.000
You know, we’ve seen recessions before in this country, but the sad thing is it’s getting closer to what happened in 2008,

00:43:46.000 –> 00:43:51.000
which is even the scarier part. The housing market eventually is going to fall apart again.

00:43:51.000 –> 00:43:56.000
You know, a lot of people, a lot of my friends are getting into real estate because real estate is hot right now,

00:43:56.000 –> 00:44:04.000
but it’s not going to last forever. You know, usually what happens with real estate, it’s good for about six, seven years,

00:44:04.000 –> 00:44:10.000
then it dries up again, and I think, you know, I think the real estate market was due to roll over again,

00:44:10.000 –> 00:44:16.000
and we kind of started seeing that prior to COVID, by the way, about a year prior to COVID,

00:44:16.000 –> 00:44:20.000
so a lot of people moving out of New York, moving out of California, moving down south, stuff like that.

00:44:20.000 –> 00:44:25.000
So that wasn’t, I think the housing market was due to boom, by the way.

00:44:25.000 –> 00:44:32.000
It just, I think it was going to take another year or two, but COVID accelerated it, maybe trimmed a year off of it,

00:44:32.000 –> 00:44:37.000
because I know for a fact a lot of my wife’s friends and I were looking to move maybe a year prior to COVID.

00:44:37.000 –> 00:44:46.000
So I think the housing market was due, was definitely due. It just took a while to kind of get there, if you know what I’m trying to say.

00:44:46.000 –> 00:44:53.000
So I just wanted to point that out. I guess I do think COVID accelerated it or trimmed a year off of it,

00:44:53.000 –> 00:44:58.000
but I do know the housing market was on a turnaround prior to COVID because a lot of my friends were buying,

00:44:58.000 –> 00:45:03.000
and up here especially, a lot of rentals were getting chewed up and there were less and less.

00:45:03.000 –> 00:45:08.000
That’s how you know, especially in our area, maybe not everywhere, but in our area, what happens is,

00:45:08.000 –> 00:45:13.000
that’s kind of how you know when the housing market is turning around, when you’re striking less and less and less rentals,

00:45:13.000 –> 00:45:16.000
that means more people are buying to own and are going to buy to live there,

00:45:16.000 –> 00:45:18.000
and that’s kind of how you know the housing market is turning around.

00:45:18.000 –> 00:45:25.000
And when you’re searching less and less and less rentals, that’s kind of how you know the market’s kind of turning around.

00:45:25.000 –> 00:45:32.000
What’s happened here and having a lot of places, there are very few rentals available right now in our area and in a lot of other areas,

00:45:32.000 –> 00:45:36.000
even down in the cities and places that people are used to renting, they’re becoming harder and harder to find,

00:45:36.000 –> 00:45:39.000
so the biggest people bought to live, not to rent it out.

00:45:39.000 –> 00:45:45.000
So that’s, and it’s good for people like me that own property, because property, in my opinion, is always valuable,

00:45:45.000 –> 00:45:48.000
even when the market’s bad, property is always valuable.

00:45:48.000 –> 00:45:55.000
It’s a little bit different than the stock market, but that’s my opinion, and I’ve done podcasts on this and I’ll continue to do podcasts.

00:45:55.000 –> 00:45:59.000
I really believe that land is the most valuable thing you could own.

00:45:59.000 –> 00:46:06.000
And regardless of whether real estate’s good or bad, owning land, because land always is valuable, no matter what.

00:46:06.000 –> 00:46:12.000
You know, and maybe I could do another podcast. It’s been a while since I did it again.

00:46:12.000 –> 00:46:17.000
I probably should do it again now that the market’s turned over, but I always, that’s one thing I’ll tell everybody.

00:46:17.000 –> 00:46:24.000
If you learn anything from listening to my podcast, it’s buy land, because God’s not making any more of it.

00:46:24.000 –> 00:46:32.000
That’s what I tell everybody. Any kind of real estate is always good, even, you know, because real estate is always valuable.

00:46:32.000 –> 00:46:36.000
It’s not like the stock market. A piece of property, if it’s run down, has value to it.

00:46:36.000 –> 00:46:43.000
You shouldn’t overpay for it, but it still has value to it, where sometimes in stock markets, things could have no value.

00:46:43.000 –> 00:46:49.000
So that’s one of the things, if you can ever get out of my podcast, is knowing how I feel about land.

00:46:49.000 –> 00:46:53.000
I always say the best thing to do is to buy land, because God’s not making any more of it,

00:46:53.000 –> 00:46:58.000
and the more land you own, the more borrowing power you have to get other land.

00:46:58.000 –> 00:47:03.000
I mean, it’s one of those things, and you know, I’ve talked about this, and I will do another show on it again.

00:47:03.000 –> 00:47:09.000
Maybe that’ll be next week’s show, but I’ve always said land is valuable, and the more you have of it, the better it is.

00:47:09.000 –> 00:47:15.000
So, but I do want to bring up, though, that it is, we are in a spot right now, though,

00:47:15.000 –> 00:47:20.000
where it is scary when people have to use their credit cards for their needs, not their wants.

00:47:20.000 –> 00:47:24.000
And I’m not talking just car repairs or that TV that went bad in your house.

00:47:24.000 –> 00:47:31.000
I’m talking about food, food, things you need, okay, your utilities, your water bill, your electric bill, okay?

00:47:31.000 –> 00:47:36.000
When you’re using credit cards for necessities, like food, electric, or water, things are tough.

00:47:36.000 –> 00:47:39.000
I can tell you that. Things are tough if you’re using your credit card for that.

00:47:39.000 –> 00:47:42.000
And sometimes people have no choice, you know.

00:47:42.000 –> 00:47:46.000
Dave Ramsey does a radio show every day where he talks about people managing money,

00:47:46.000 –> 00:47:53.000
but you know, some people are not good at managing money, and that’s okay.

00:47:53.000 –> 00:47:59.000
But sometimes, you know, if you’re working, especially like a single mom that’s working, trying to support herself,

00:47:59.000 –> 00:48:03.000
she may have no choice but to put that utility bill on the credit card, especially this time of year at Christmas.

00:48:03.000 –> 00:48:07.000
And it’s, you know, she might not have a choice.

00:48:07.000 –> 00:48:11.000
Or she might not have a choice, but to use her credit card to be able to give her kids food or lunch money or whatever.

00:48:11.000 –> 00:48:17.000
You know, hey, it happens, you know, you’re working hard, you’re doing your best to support your family,

00:48:17.000 –> 00:48:20.000
and if that’s what you have to do, that’s what you have to do.

00:48:20.000 –> 00:48:28.000
And I don’t, and like I said, I feel bad for those people, and they, you know, and some of them working two jobs, you know.

00:48:28.000 –> 00:48:36.000
It’s not easy. And I really, I really don’t like it when people like Dave Ramsey come on and says, talk to me about this, this, that.

00:48:36.000 –> 00:48:38.000
And the other thing, you should be doing this, you should be doing that.

00:48:38.000 –> 00:48:44.000
Well, guess what, Dave, as much as I like your radio show, it’s hard, some people cannot put away six months of bills,

00:48:44.000 –> 00:48:51.000
you know, six months of, you know, expenses into a savings account, just leave it, sit there.

00:48:51.000 –> 00:48:56.000
I know you’re supposed, you should do that to be prepared, and being somebody who’s into prepping,

00:48:56.000 –> 00:48:59.000
yes, you should have that to be prepared, but some people can’t.

00:48:59.000 –> 00:49:03.000
Or they may have to dip into that money so they can have a car to go to work,

00:49:03.000 –> 00:49:11.000
or they can have a car to be, you know, or be able to eat, you know, have food on their table, okay?

00:49:11.000 –> 00:49:13.000
I mean, you know, it’s sometimes easier said than done.

00:49:13.000 –> 00:49:20.000
And I’ve had a lot of people message me recently saying they listen to some of these business shows,

00:49:20.000 –> 00:49:24.000
and they realize, you know, that they’re not prepared financially as well as they should be.

00:49:24.000 –> 00:49:29.000
And some people maybe aren’t prepared financially because they’re not good at money.

00:49:29.000 –> 00:49:33.000
Other people aren’t prepared financially because they can’t, they can’t afford it.

00:49:33.000 –> 00:49:39.000
So that’s, you know, I want to bring that up to, you know, you can listen to as many radio shows

00:49:39.000 –> 00:49:46.000
and business shows and business podcasts if you want, but if you’re literally not able to put the money away,

00:49:46.000 –> 00:49:51.000
there might not be anything you can do about that, you know.

00:49:51.000 –> 00:49:56.000
And I don’t mean to say that, I mean, I think everybody, we all should, you know,

00:49:56.000 –> 00:50:00.000
we try to do our best to be financially prepared, but there are some people that just can’t do it.

00:50:00.000 –> 00:50:05.000
They live paycheck to paycheck, and they struggle to ski the roof over the head.

00:50:05.000 –> 00:50:07.000
They can’t put away money on the side of that.

00:50:07.000 –> 00:50:12.000
And those people, while they’re using their credit cards, maybe that’s not the best decision they could,

00:50:12.000 –> 00:50:14.000
but they have no choice.

00:50:14.000 –> 00:50:20.000
So it’s very important to bring that up because I think sometimes we put people down when they do things

00:50:20.000 –> 00:50:23.000
that maybe they shouldn’t do, but sometimes they don’t have a choice.

00:50:23.000 –> 00:50:29.000
And it’s important to know that there’s a difference between needing to use a credit card, needing to borrow money,

00:50:29.000 –> 00:50:35.000
and having no choice but to borrow money because you don’t have any other way to get it.

00:50:35.000 –> 00:50:41.000
And especially when you’re talking about necessities, food, clothes, utility bills, stuff like that.

00:50:41.000 –> 00:50:43.000
So it’s very important.

00:50:43.000 –> 00:50:49.000
And, you know, if you’re listening to this show and you’re in that situation, it’s tough and I feel bad for you,

00:50:49.000 –> 00:50:55.000
and believe me, what you can do is keep chugging away and just doing the best you can and just keep working

00:50:55.000 –> 00:50:57.000
and just keep pushing through it.

00:50:57.000 –> 00:51:02.000
And it stinks and hopefully things are going to get better, but I think it’s going to take time.

00:51:02.000 –> 00:51:09.000
And I think this is still full of COVID, and unfortunately that’s one of those things that I think this is kind of like the aftermath of COVID

00:51:09.000 –> 00:51:11.000
that we’re still dealing with.

00:51:11.000 –> 00:51:13.000
It just is, unfortunately. I think it’s going to keep going on.

00:51:13.000 –> 00:51:18.000
And I hate to say it, but when you look at Europe, I mean, we’re talking about inflation here is bad.

00:51:18.000 –> 00:51:25.000
I’m not saying, you know, it doesn’t make it any better, but you’re looking over in Europe, they’re doing like 18% inflation.

00:51:25.000 –> 00:51:29.000
You have people that are costing them something double and triple the heat in their homes.

00:51:29.000 –> 00:51:33.000
And Europe’s not like here.

00:51:33.000 –> 00:51:36.000
And you have people that, you know, the government’s not stepping in to help.

00:51:36.000 –> 00:51:40.000
And I’m waiting to see what’s going to happen over in Europe over the next couple of months,

00:51:40.000 –> 00:51:45.000
especially when it starts getting bitter cold over there because they have pretty brutal winters over there.

00:51:45.000 –> 00:51:48.000
So I’m curious what’s going to happen with that.

00:51:48.000 –> 00:51:52.000
I think you have a lot of people in Europe that are going to be able to heat their homes, and that’s unfortunate.

00:51:52.000 –> 00:51:57.000
But I’m waiting to see what’s going to happen with the government over there and the European Union and stuff,

00:51:57.000 –> 00:52:02.000
because they’re trying to just step in energy prices, but as long as this thing with Russia and Ukraine keeps going on,

00:52:02.000 –> 00:52:05.000
those prices are not going to go down.

00:52:05.000 –> 00:52:09.000
So we’ll have to see what happens with that overseas.

00:52:09.000 –> 00:52:12.000
And I know we do have a lot of listeners overseas.

00:52:12.000 –> 00:52:17.000
And believe me, guys, I feel for you, and I hope this thing in Ukraine gets resolved.

00:52:17.000 –> 00:52:21.000
The prices over there may go down, but I just don’t think it’s going to.

00:52:21.000 –> 00:52:24.000
I think this thing with Ukraine and Russia is going to keep going on.

00:52:24.000 –> 00:52:28.000
But the one thing that I thought was a little bit interesting, and by the way, to point it out,

00:52:28.000 –> 00:52:30.000
I didn’t even know People magazine.

00:52:30.000 –> 00:52:34.000
I knew People magazine was still around, but — or no, I’m sorry, Times magazine, I’m sorry.

00:52:34.000 –> 00:52:43.000
The Russian president, the Ukrainian president, Times Man of the Year this year,

00:52:43.000 –> 00:52:46.000
and my whole issue with that is — and I think he deserves it.

00:52:46.000 –> 00:52:47.000
There’s no doubt about it.

00:52:47.000 –> 00:52:51.000
But does anybody still read Times magazine?

00:52:51.000 –> 00:52:53.000
I didn’t even know it was still around.

00:52:53.000 –> 00:52:59.000
I knew it was around, but I didn’t know it was — I was actually in the news the last time I read it on the course.

00:52:59.000 –> 00:53:15.000

00:53:15.000 –> 00:53:16.000
So, but I thought he deserved it.

00:53:16.000 –> 00:53:19.000
I thought that was pretty cool.

00:53:19.000 –> 00:53:21.000
And, you know, cool for him.

00:53:21.000 –> 00:53:24.000
He has really been doing a great job, and his people love him.

00:53:24.000 –> 00:53:27.000
America, you know, everybody watching loves him,

00:53:27.000 –> 00:53:32.000
and he really is a great leader, and it’s funny to believe that he was on Dancing with —

00:53:32.000 –> 00:53:35.000
their version of Dancing with the Stars, so good for him.

00:53:35.000 –> 00:53:36.000
Time Man of the Year.

00:53:36.000 –> 00:53:38.000
Maybe that’s the reason I’m being present after this war is over.

00:53:38.000 –> 00:53:42.000
Maybe he’ll be — maybe he’ll — maybe he’ll be dancing with the stars again.

00:53:42.000 –> 00:53:44.000
That’d be pretty cool.

00:53:44.000 –> 00:53:46.000
I am going to kind of wrap it up.

00:53:46.000 –> 00:53:49.000
It’s getting a little late here for me anyway.

00:53:49.000 –> 00:53:55.000
I want to thank everybody for listening, and we will see you on the next episode.

00:53:55.000 –> 00:53:57.480
So thank you very much.